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Benicia Bridge bike lane official opening

Here's the info about next Saturday's scheduled opening of the bicycle/pedestrian path on the revamped Benicia Bridge.
Saturday, August 29
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Closing a gap in both the regional Bay Area Ridge Trail and San Francisco Bay Trail, the new 1.4 mile pathway across the Benicia-Martinez Bridge allows bicyclists and pedestrians to cross the Carquinez Strait between Contra Costa and Solano counties, and provides a spectacular view of the Suisun Bay.

Several area bike clubs are apparently planning rides for that day that use the bridge as part of the route.

I probably won't be there on opening day, but it's only a matter of time before someone organizes an ALC (and/or DSSF?) ride that includes both the Benicia Bridge and the Carquinez Bridge in a wonderful loop.

Photo by "cmburch" of bikeforums.net.

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