Here's the timetable, which is in itself somewhat amazing:
10:19 p.m. Monday: I send email to a contact at the town's Public Works Department that I found on the town's website.
11:13 p.m. Monday: I get a response (yes, practically in the middle of the night!) that the problem will be investigated. An actual response, not an auto-reply.
10:21 p.m. Tuesday: I get a note saying that the pathway was cleaned today, and thanking me for my report.
The moral: When you encounter a hazard while riding, always report it to the appropriate authority. You might prevent some other cyclist or road user from a flat, an injury, or something worse. If you want to do it the old-fashioned way via a voice call, the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition has a list of phone numbers for most jurisdictions.
Photo: Laura Court at the quarry, from Google Street View. It's actually far more scenic than it looks here, and if you've never been up there, it's worth the climb.